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Guide to Utilizing Locations
Hannah Weidman avatar
Written by Hannah Weidman
Updated over a week ago

The Locations feature is a valuable tool for organizing your requirements, closeout packages, and warranty issues. This feature enables you to request requirements for specific locations and export your closeout package(s) by location.

In this article:

Create Locations

To set up your Locations, navigate to the project Settings and select the Locations tab.

Here, you can import your project locations from Procore, or you can create them manually.

Import Locations from Procore

To import your locations from Procore, simply click the Import from Procore button.

To view the various tiers of locations, click the location(s) listed in Tier 1, and the sub-locations will populate under Tier 2, Tier 3, etc (see below).

Create Locations Manually

To create your locations manually, you can enter your new location(s) in the field provided and click the "+" icon. To enter a sub-location, click the parent location listed in Tier 1 and enter your sub-locations under Tier 2, Tier 3, etc.

Delete Locations

To remove any locations listed in your project Settings, simply click the Trash Can icon next to the location you wish to delete.

Any sub-locations associated with the discarded location will also be removed (as indicated below).

Assign Requirements to Locations

Once your project locations are set up, you can proceed to assign requirements to your locations.

Manually Assign Requirements to Locations

To assign a requirement, navigate to the individual requirement and click Edit.

In the pop-up window, scroll down to the Location field and select the location from the drop-down list. Once the Location is selected, click Save.

Import your Requirements & Locations via CSV

You also have the option to import your Requirements with their associated Locations via CSV. Simply include the Locations column in your CSV when importing your Requirements.

To learn more about importing requirements via CSV, check out this article.

Export a Closeout Package by Location

Buildr gives you the capability to customize your Closeout Package by Location.

Before exporting your closeout package, you will first need to verify that all of your requirements have associated locations attached. Any requirements without locations will not be included in the export.

Navigate to the Project Delivery tab and click Export.

Select Customize Export at the bottom of the pop-up window.

In the Locations field, select which Location(s) you wish to include in your export.

Once your Locations are selected, click Save and Create. Buildr will generate a closeout package with all requirements associated with the Locations selected in the export.

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